The Beyer Family Tree

The Beyer Family Tree


This family tree begins with Wilhelm Carl Beyer (c. 1803-1892) and his wife Maria Louisa Nennemann Beyer (c. 1812-unknown) who emigrated from Ziegenhagen in Western Pomerania, Prussia to the United States in 1867. Arriving with them were two of their sons, Carl Gottlieb (1849-unknown) and Friedrich Wilhelm (1833-1920), and his wife Johanna/Hanne Saecker (1836-1909). They settled on a farm bordering Green Lake, Wisconsin.

The following year, in 1868, another son August Wilhelm (1837-1900) and his wife Sophia Dorothea Ziegenhagen (1837-1917) along with their daughter Wilhelmina arrived in New York and joined the family in Green Lake. From there, the August Beyer family moved to a farm in the Town of Burnett, Dodge County, Wisconsin.

Although this family tree focuses specifically on the descendants of August and Sophia Beyer, we’ve included some information on the descendants of Friedrich & Johanna Beyer. In addition, we’ve included Beyer family photographs that have survived and also photographs from the Berndt-Knab family, the parents of Emma Berndt Beyer.

Over the past many years, Judy Belling Beyer and Mary Em Wurm Kirn have compiled the data for this family tree and it was truly a labor of love in honor of our Beyer ancestors. Scott Beyer has created this wonderfully usable website that makes sharing this family tree not only possible, but also enjoyable.