This family tree begins with Wilhelm Carl Beyer (c. 1803-1892) and his wife Maria Louisa Nennemann Beyer (c. 1812-unknown) who emigrated from Ziegenhagen in Western Pomerania, Prussia to the United States in 1867. Arriving with them were two of their sons, Carl Gottlieb (1849-unknown) and Friedrich Wilhelm (1833-1920), and his wife Johanna/Hanne Saecker (1836-1909). They settled on a farm bordering Green Lake, Wisconsin.
The following year, in 1868, another son August Wilhelm (1837-1900) and his wife Sophia Dorothea Ziegenhagen (1837-1917) along with their daughter Wilhelmina arrived in New York and joined the family in Green Lake. From there, the August Beyer family moved to a farm in the Town of Burnett, Dodge County, Wisconsin.